event is noted by the Bhāva BỊhaspati praśasti of Somapātha temple also?.
Some other information is available in the Kumārapālacarita, the prakrit portion of the Dvyāśrayakāvya. This Portion is more poetical than historical. However, the relations of a few kings can be inferred by the water-sports of the king.
The Hūņa, Māgadha and Košala kings were present in the water-sports of Kumārapāla”.
It is noticed by Pūrņakalasagani, the commentator of the Kumārapālacarita that the king of Vārāṇasī brought some presents for Kumārapālas. The king of Magadha, who was present in the water-sports, is also mentioned to have brought some presents for Kumārapāla".
Gaudadeśa was a tax-payee of Kumārapāla. He sent elephants as present. The army of Kumārapāla is mentioned to have won Kanyakubja, Daśārņa" and Cedis. The king of Mathurā gave gold to the army of Kumārapāla and thus saved his city.
ii. Geographical : Grāharipu is mentioned as having won Uttarakośala10. But this is merely to illustrate the Hemacandra's Sūtra 3.1.98 of the Haimaśabdānušāsana.
1. Bühler, G. Somagātha Prasasti of
III.p.2. 2. Kumārapālacarita, IV.65. 3. ibid.VI.76. 4. ibid. V1.77. 5. ibid. VI.78. 6. ibid. VI.79. 7. ibid. VI.80. 8. ibid. VI.85. 9. ibid. VI.88-89. 10. ibid. v.78.
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