________________ INTRODUCTION Nyayabindu. I have adopted almost the same method with some minor changes here and there. This has resulted in some difference in the numbering of Sutras. This edition has been prepared on the basis of the edition Pand the MS. of the Nyayabindu-tika belonging to Dr. Denison Ross. 7. H. This edition was published in Banaras in the Haridas Sanskrit Series Vol. No. 22, under the title of Nyaya-bindu in 1924. It followed the method of E. It was edited as well as translated into Hindi by Pt. Chandra Shekhar Shastri. It also contained a good introduction. I have made use of this edition. This work has been republished recently in 1954; but it is a reprint of the previous edition without any alteration. 8. N. This edition includes the Nyaya-bindu and the Nyayabindu-tika published as its Volume No. 1 by the Nutana Sanskrit Granthamala of Akola. It is printed in 1952. It is edited by Sri P. I. Tarkas, M.A., LL.B. This edition is chiefly based on the abovestated E 9. Photo MS. The photoes procured by Mahapandita Rahula Sanktityayana of the palm-leaf MSS. of some Sanskrit works in Tibet have been preserved in the Bihar Research Society, Patna, in thirteen albums. Of them, the 13th album, contains the Dharmottara-pradipa in 28 plates. This sub-commentary is being published in the present volume for the first time. Each of the plates bears. the caption fao 37o, suggesting that the work is Hetu-bindu-anutika. The work however is Nyaya-bindu-anutika, which has been called Dharmottara-pradipa by the commentator himself. The original copy covers 84 leaves. It is written in Newari script. When the photo-copy was made, the 60th leaf was not reversed. Consequently, 60 A has been photographed twice, whereas there is no photo of the reverse, i.e., 60B. The MS. is correct, but here and there it is indistinct. The first leaf is in a mutilated condition. Of the four MSS. A. B. C. and D., A and B belong to separate groups. There are many places where A gives readings quite different from the rest. Similarly, there are so many places where we find the readings in B differing from the rest. It