Book Title: Unknown Life of Jesus Christ Old Edition 1894 Publication
Author(s): Nicholas Notovitch, Virchand R Gandhi, Kumarpal Desai
Publisher: World Jain Confederation

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Page 18
________________ хvіі INTRODUCTION, and gives in high significance to the half satirical cpithct of the 'mild' Ilindu." I shall not dwell on other points misrepresented in Dr. Ilalc's article, dismissing them simply with the remark that it has been il sac (atality that Oricutals and their rcligions, manncrs and customs linve always been misconstrucd by people wio lave 110 riglie cu spucak thereon without making a thorough study of them. India has been the reamlanıl of many scholars. Slulents, philosopher's und antiquariams. see visions on India. More Uw it hundred years ago (Angust 1783) Sir William Jones saw a vision while standing alonc on the deck of his vessel en route to India. It gave me," he says, "juexpressible pleasure to find myself in the midst of so noble an amphitheatre, almost cncircled by the vast regions of Asia, which has crer been cstcemed the murse of science, the invcntress of delightful :1110 useful arts, le scene od glurious actions, fertile in the preveductions of human genius, and infinitcly liversified in forms of religings in government. in thic laws, maniers, customs, as well as in tlic fcatures /1 ۱۱۱ ) ۱۱۱ sirادح ((1 ".۱۱ This stud mu knew low to make his dicam come true, and change his vision into il realism. lle started Ewcpeul saluolars by luis translition or Shakuntala, "One of the greitest l'uriosities," its lv saill in luis press lace, "thit the literature ur Asin his yet brought to lighi." lle also translated the laws of Mam, founderl the Isiatic Socicly or Bung:u, iuclicrel marvelous results in the researches of ancient literature of India. Colebrook, II. U. 117/40)}} ind many others followed hin, und to-day we have it mass of Suscrit and Prakuit lillelille, I lindur. Juin und Budalbist, lying before tre Europa in scholaus, fiving it clue to India's ancient history: Jain Education International For Private & Personal Use Only


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