Book Title: Unknown Life of Jesus Christ Old Edition 1894 Publication
Author(s): Nicholas Notovitch, Virchand R Gandhi, Kumarpal Desai
Publisher: World Jain Confederation
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THE UNKNOWN LIFE OF JESUS CHRIST. lion. Thic Lama conducted the visitor through long, low rooms and halls into an open tcrrace, where as soon as they were scatcd attcndants brought refreshmients.
The Thibetan language is spoken here. It is only in the monasteries that the Thibetan is spoken in its purity.
The Lamas prefer visits from Europeans to those froin Mahomedans. The reason of this preference is, as the Lama said:
"The Mahomedans have no point of contact with our rcligion; in their recent victorious campaign they converted by lorce many Buddhists to Islamism; it will require great efforts to bring back these descendants of Buddhists into the way of the truc God. As for thic Europeans, it is an entirely different inatter. Not only clo they prosess the essential principles of monotlicism, but thcy also are a part of the worshipers of Buddha under almost the saine title as the Thibetan Lamas. Thic only error of the Christians is that after having adopted the great doctrine of Buddha, thcy coinpletely separated themselves from him and created a diffcrent Dalai Lama. Ours alone has received the divine favor of seeing face to face the inajesty of Buddha and the power to serve as meditator betwcen the earth and the hcaven."
"Who is this Dalai Lama of the Christians, of whom you have just spoken?" asked M. Notovitch to the Lama. "We have a Son of God to whom we address our fervent prayors, and it is to him that we have recourse so that he may intercede for us to our only and indivisible God."
"He is not the one in question herc, Sahib. Wc also respect liilll wlion you recognize as the Son of an only God, but we do not regard him as such bit as the
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