Book Title: Unknown Life of Jesus Christ Old Edition 1894 Publication
Author(s): Nicholas Notovitch, Virchand R Gandhi, Kumarpal Desai
Publisher: World Jain Confederation
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THE UNKNOWN LIFE OF JESUS CHRIST. 45 excellent being chosen from among all; Budala. in truth, incarnated himself with his intelligence in the sacred person of Issa, who without the aid of either firc or sword went forth to spread our grand and true rcligion throughout the world. I allude to your carthly Dalai Lama--to whom you give the title of the Father of the Church. There lies the great sin: Is hc able to save the sinners who are on the wrong road?" began the Lama twirling his prayer-wheel. Of course, he alluded to the Pope.
"You liave just told me that a son of Buddha, Issa, had been chosen to spread your rcligion over tlic world, Who then is lic?" asked. M. Notovitch.
The Lama was amazed at the question but said in rcply: “Issa is a great prophct, onc of the first altcr thic twenty-two Buddhas; hc is greater than all the Dalai I amas, for hc constitutes a part of the spirituality of God. It is lic who has instructed you, who brings back the frivolous souls to the knowledge of God, who las rendered you worthy of thic bicssings of the Creator, and who has enelowed cach being with thic knowledge of good and evil; luis name and decds have been rccorded in our sacred writings, and, while reading of his great lisc spent in the midst of crring people, wc wcep over the horrible sin of those lıcathens who assassinated him after putting him to the most cruc tortures."
M. Notovitch was struck by the words of the Lama the prophict Issa, his tortures, his cieatlı, the Christian Dalai Lama and the recognition of Christianity by the Buddhists all this made him think more and more of Jesus Christ: and lic begged luis interpreter to omil none of the words of the Lama. lle asked the Lama where thosc sacred writings could be found and who had written Trel.
" The principal rolls," said the Lama, " which have
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