Book Title: Unknown Life of Jesus Christ Old Edition 1894 Publication
Author(s): Nicholas Notovitch, Virchand R Gandhi, Kumarpal Desai
Publisher: World Jain Confederation
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“There can be no family without a licad and there can be no order mong a people without a Cæsar whoni tlicy must obcy blindly, for lic alone shall answer for his acts before tlıc suprcmc tribunal."
"Dues Ciesar possess it Jivinc right," the spies again asked, "and is lic the best of mortals ?"
"There is nonc best among men, but truly there are somc that are sick wliom chosen men charged with this niission should care for, by using thic-means which the sacred law of our Heavenly Father confers upon tlicin,"
"Clemency and justice are the highest gifts granted to Cesar, his name will be illustrious if he holds to tliem."
"But he wlio acts otherwise, who transgresses the limits of his power over those under his rule, cidangering thicir lisc, ofsends thic grcat Judge and wrongs llis dignity in the opinion of men."
Meanwhile all old woman who had approached the crowd to licar Issa better was pushed aside by one of the disguised men who placed himself before her.
Issa then said: “It is not good for a son to pushi aside his mother so that he may occupy the front place which should be hers. Whoever does not respect his mother, the most sacred being after God, is unworthy of the name of son."
--10“Listen to these words: Respect woman for she
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