Book Title: Unknown Life of Jesus Christ Old Edition 1894 Publication
Author(s): Nicholas Notovitch, Virchand R Gandhi, Kumarpal Desai
Publisher: World Jain Confederation

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Page 87
________________ 86 THE UNKNOWN IJFE OF JESUS CHRIST. The holy Issa continued, however, to visit the neighboring towns and preach the true ways of the Crcator, cxhorting the Hcbrcws to patience and promising them i spcccly deliverance. During all this time many people followed him wherever he went; many did not quit him, but they served him as servants. And Issa said: “Do not believe in miracles performed by the hand of man, for He who commands nature is alonc able to perform supernatural things, while man is powerless to soften the rage of winds and to distribute ritin." " There is one miracle, however, that it is possible for man to perform; it is, when full of sincere belief, hc decides to uprout from his licart all bad thoughts, and to attain this end, he goes no more into the paths of evil." - 9"And all the things which are done without God are but great errors, scductions and enchantinents, which show only low far tlic soul of him wlio practices this art is full of slianielcssicss, falsehood and impurity," "Put no faith in oracles, for God alone knows the futurc; hic who has recourse to sorcerers, defiles the temple which is in his heart and shows distrust for his Creatur. -II • Faith in sorcerers and their oracles (lestroys the innate simplicity in man and his child-like purity; an infernal power takes possession of him and forces him Jain Education International For Private & Personal Use Only


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