Book Title: Unknown Life of Jesus Christ Old Edition 1894 Publication
Author(s): Nicholas Notovitch, Virchand R Gandhi, Kumarpal Desai
Publisher: World Jain Confederation

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Page 125
________________ 124 TILL UNKNOWN LIFE OF JESUS CHRIST. the usual cxpcrience with otlier innocent prisoners suljected to like sufferings, Jesus remained firnı, never Tallering or spcaking the slightest worels by which he could be condemned. Thus finding himself soilcci, Pilatc commanded that Jesus be put to the utmost torturcs, hoping to hasten death by cxhausting his vital forces. Jcsus, lowever, using his great will to increase his strength llei courage, and having confidence in liis juist causc which wils that of the nation and of God, endured with great fortitude all the bitter cruelties of his exccutioners. The secret and extraordinary torturcs provoked discontent among the ciders, who thcrefore resolved to intercede in his favor and demand that hic be set frcc bcforc thc fcast of l'assover. Their demand being rejected by Pilate, they insisted that he be brought before the tribunal, so certain were they of his acquittal which sccincd the more sure since the cntirc pcoplc ardcntly desired it. In the cycs of the pricsts, Jesus was a saint belonging to the family of David, and his unjust imprisonment or that which was much more serious, his condemnation, woulil cast a profound gloon over the solemnities of the great national festival of the Israelitcs. Learning of Ule refusal of their demands, they begged that the judgment might take place before the festival. To this Pilate acceded, but he also caused two robbers to be judged at the same timc. By this icthod l'ilate endeavored to wcaken in the cycs of the people the importance of the fact that thic tribunal had trics and rendered judgment against an innocent man alone, which would leave on the ininds of the entire nation the sac impression that a verdict had been planned in advance. On the contrary, the condemnation of Jesus simultaneously with that of the thieves would almost efface the injustice committed against one of the prisoners Jain Education International For Private & Personal Use Only


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