Book Title: Unknown Life of Jesus Christ Old Edition 1894 Publication
Author(s): Nicholas Notovitch, Virchand R Gandhi, Kumarpal Desai
Publisher: World Jain Confederation
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04 TIE UNKNOWN LIFE OF JESUS CHRIST. truth; the King of Heaven is greater and more powerful than terrestial law, and His Kingdom surpasses all kingdoms here below."
--18"And the time is not far distant when conformably to the Divinc will, the people of Israel shall purify tlicmsclves of thcir sins, for it is said that a precusor shall come and announce the deliverance of the people and unite them in one family."
And the Governor addressing the judges, said: "Do you hcar this? The Israelite Issa acknowledges the crime of which he is accused. Judge him then inccording to your laws and pronounce upon him capital punishment."
-20% "We cannot condemn him;" answered the priests and the ciders, "thou hast thyself hcard that he alluded to the King of Hcaven, and that he has preached nothing which constitutes insubordination against our
-21The Governor then summoned the witness who at the instignation of his inaster, Pilate, had betrayed Issa; this man came and addressing Issa, said: “Didst thou not make thysell pass as king of Isracl when thou didst say that He who reigns in Ilcaven liad scnt thcc to prepare His people?'
-22And Issa having blessed him, said: “Thou shalt be forgiven, for what thou sayest cometh not from thee."
Then addressing the Govenor lic said: "Why humiliatc thy dignity and teach thy infcriors to live in falschood, since ciel without this thou hast the power to condemn an innocent person?"
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