Book Title: Unknown Life of Jesus Christ Old Edition 1894 Publication
Author(s): Nicholas Notovitch, Virchand R Gandhi, Kumarpal Desai
Publisher: World Jain Confederation

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Page 116
________________ 115 THE UNKNOWN LIFE OF JESUS CHRIST. cntrusting to them the care of defending society. All kings, princcs, captains, governors and warlike people, belong to this caste, and preserve with thc Brahmins the most cordial relations, because the one can not exist without the other, and because the peace of the country depends on the alliance of knowledge with power, of the templc of Bralıma with the royal throne. Thc Vaishyas, who form the third caste, were crcated by Brahma from his belly. They are destined to to till the land, to raise cattle and carry on all kinds of trade and commerce, that they may support thc Brahmins and the Kshatriyas. They are permitted to go to the temple and to listen to the readings of Vcdas only on fcast days; at other times thcy are obliged to attend to their alloted duties. The last class, the blacks or Shudras. came from thc fect of Brahma to be the humble servants or slaves of the otlicr three castes. Thcy are forbidden lv attene the reading of the Vedas; he who comes in contact with them is defiled. They are miserable beings deprived of all human rights, not being allowed to look at members of the higher castes, and in sickness forbidden to receive a plıysician's care. Death alone can free them from the conscquences of their life of servitude; in order to get this reward, however, they must have served for their whole lisc, without murmur or idleness, a member of one of the privileged classes. Then, only, aster having performed with fidelity and zeal his duties in the service of a Brahmin or a Kshatriya, has the Shudra lhe promise that his soul, after death, will be raised to a superior caste. If a Shudra. fails in his obedience towards a member of the privileged class or otherwise becomes disgraced, he is outcasted:111 degraded to the rank of a Jain Education International For Private & Personal Use Only


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