Book Title: Unknown Life of Jesus Christ Old Edition 1894 Publication
Author(s): Nicholas Notovitch, Virchand R Gandhi, Kumarpal Desai
Publisher: World Jain Confederation

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Page 121
________________ 120 TILEUNKNOWN LIFE OF JESUS CITIST. possess, mercitlicless it pronouncca liste for instruction ituel casily understand proper explanations. More than once, logo using simple words of truth J appealed to the conscience of a robber or it rebellious scrvant. These people, flled with the sentiment of innatc honcsty which the priests, to further their personal ends, make every endeavor to crush, very quickly become honest and feel contcmpt for those who have unjustly abused tlıcm. By tlic single virtue of truth(ulness onc could make of entire India with its three hundred millions of idols a vast Christian country. But this beautiful project would probably create a prejudice among certain Chris. tians, who like the pricsts above mentioned, spcculate upon the ignorance of the masses to enrich themselves. St. Luke says that Jesus was about thirty years old wlien lic entered on his ministry. According to thic Buddhist chronicler Jesus must have begun preaching in his twenty-rinth year. All his scrinons which the evangelists do not mention and which have been preserved by tlic Buddhists are remarkable for their character of divine grandçur, The same of thic now preacher spread rapidly through the comtry and Jerusalem cagerly awaited luis arrival. When hic approached the lioly city, the people went to meet him in great throngs and led liim triumphantly to the temple, which is in conformity with the Christian tradition. The chicís and llic lcarneal men wlio heard linu, admired luis scrmons :uc rejoiced at the bencficent impression produced by his words on the tuultitude. All the remarkable sermons of Jesus are full of sublime words. Pilatc, the governor of the country, however, did not look at this matter in the same light. Zealous igents reported to him that Jesus bad announced the ncar approach of a new kingdom, tlic re-establishment Jain Education International For Private & Personal Use Only


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