Book Title: Unknown Life of Jesus Christ Old Edition 1894 Publication
Author(s): Nicholas Notovitch, Virchand R Gandhi, Kumarpal Desai
Publisher: World Jain Confederation

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Page 113
________________ 112 TIL UNKNOWN LIFE OR JEESUS CIIRIST. seventh century B. C. Its name is derived from the word "Jina" (conqucror) which is given as a symbol of triumph over its rivals.* Astonished at thc gcnius of the young man the Jainas requested him to remain in thicir midst; but Jesus left them to establish himself in Jagannath, where he clevoted himself to the study of treatiscs of religion, philosopliy, etc. Jagannath is one of the principal cities sacred to the Brahmins, and in the time of Christ possessed a great rcligious influence. At Jagannath there is a very fine library of precious Sanskrit books and religious manuscripts. Jesus remained six ycars hcrc studying thic languagc of the country und Sanskrit, whicli cnable him to scarch into all the religious doctrines, pliilosophy, medicine and mathematics. He found much to condenin in the Brahmanical customs and laws, and he maintained *in regard to the Jains of Trulia, M. Netovitch scems to have followed the groundless assumption of some European scholars, that Jainism is a bond of union between Buldhism ind Brahman. isov; nay, some of the scholars maintained some years ago, that Jainism was a branch of Buddhism, But careful investigations have exploiled that theory, and even the Europican scholars now hold that Jainism is older than Buddhism. In truth, accepting the gencral opinion that the Brahmins first came to India from the north. western passes, the Jains are the descendants of the original owners of lulia, whom the Brahmins in their Vegas give all sorts of name's, in whiten distilove them in dicir animal sacrifices, For further information on this subject, I refer the reader to uly work on Invia..-Translator. SI'radition claims that the ashes of the illustrious Brahmini Krishna are preserve here in the hollow of a trec ncar a mag. nificent temple. Krishma livec 1580 B3. C., and collected and arranged the Vedas, which he dividlecl into four hooks-Rik, Yajur, Saman and Atharvan. Krishna, who received for his work the name of l'yasa (i, e., he who has collected and divided the Vedas) has uso composed the Vcilenta and eighteeni Puranas consisting of 100.000 stanzas, Jain Education International For Private & Personal Use Only


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