Book Title: Unknown Life of Jesus Christ Old Edition 1894 Publication
Author(s): Nicholas Notovitch, Virchand R Gandhi, Kumarpal Desai
Publisher: World Jain Confederation

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Page 85
________________ THE UNKNOWN LIFE OF JESUS CHRIST. another and it will thus be until the cxlinction or humanity." 14-- "On the contrary do you not see that the powerful and the rich sow ainong the sons of Israel a spirit of rebellion against tlic ctcrnal power of Hcavcn?" -15And tlien tlic elders said: “Why art thou and from what country art thou come even unto us? Ilcrctoforc we havc not licard thce spoken of, and wc arc even ignorant of thy name." -16"I am an Israclitc," answered Issa, "and on tlic day of my birth I saw thc walls of Jerusalem, and heard the wailings of my brothers reduced to slavery and thic lamentations of my sisters carried away among the hcathen." --17"And my soul was painfully grieved wlico I siw thal my brothers had forgotten the truc God; while yet a child I lost my fatlicr's ilouse (u go and settle among other nations," -18 "But hearing that my brotliers suffered still greater Torturers I returned to the country where iny parents dweit, to recall my brothers to the faith of tlicir allcestors, which tcnches 119 paticnce upon earth so that we may obtain perfect and sublimc happiness above." --19-- And the learned elders asked fuim this question: "They claim that thou denicst the laws of Mossa and tliat thou teachest the people to abandon clie temple of God?" --20 And Issa answered: “We do not demolish what has Jain Education International For Private & Personal Use Only


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