Book Title: Unknown Life of Jesus Christ Old Edition 1894 Publication
Author(s): Nicholas Notovitch, Virchand R Gandhi, Kumarpal Desai
Publisher: World Jain Confederation
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- --- Holy Issa went Irom one cily to another, confirm. ing with the word of God the courage of the Israelites who were ready to seccumb under the weight of despair, and thousands of men followed to hear his teachings.
But thc rulers of the citics fcared him and informed the principal Governor who dwelt at Jerusalem that it 11:n called Issa had arrived in tlic country, tliat by his sermons he was rousing the people against the autlioritics, that thic inuicitacle listened to him cagerly and neglected the works of the statc, stating that in a short time it would be rid of its ruling intruders,
--3-- Then Pilate, the governor of Jerusalem, ordered theni to scizc thc person of the preacher Issa, bring liim into the city and Icad bin before tlic jucgcs; but so as to not excitc discontent anong thc pcoplc, Pilato ordereel the priests and the wise mcn, aged Hebrews, to judge him in the temple.
Mcamwhile, Issa continuing his preaching came to Jcrusalemn; having learned of his arrival, all the inhabitints who knew him alreaciy by rcputation went to meet ind greet liin).
Thcy saluted him respectfully and opened the doors of their temple to him in order to hear from his lips what lie had said in tlic utlicr towns of Israel.
Mad Issa said unto tear: "The human race is perishing because of its lack of faith, for the darkness and the tempest have confused the Nuck of mankind and they have lost their shopherd."
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