Book Title: Unknown Life of Jesus Christ Old Edition 1894 Publication
Author(s): Nicholas Notovitch, Virchand R Gandhi, Kumarpal Desai
Publisher: World Jain Confederation
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8"The divine child, to whom they gave the name of Issa, began to spcak, while yet a child, of the one indi. visible God, exhorting the crring souls to repent and to purisy theniscives from thosc sins, of which thcy were guilty.
Peoplc carlic froin all parts to listen to him and thcy marvelled at the words of wisdom which issued from his childish mouth; all the Israelitcs' affirmed that in this child dwelt the Eternal Spirit.
-10When Issa reaclicd the age of thirteen years, the time when an Israelite should take a wife,
---11-- The house where his parents cirned a livelihood by means of nuclest labor, began to be it place of meeting for the rich and noble people wlio desired to liave thic young Issa for a son-in-law, who was alrcady wellknown by his cdifying discourses in the name of AllPowerful;
---12It was then that Issa disappeared secretly from his father's house, Icft Jerusalemn, and with a caravan of merchants, went toward Sind)),
-13With loe pollrpose of perfecting himself in tlic divinc knowledge and of studying the laws of the great Buddhas.
-- -- Tn the course of his fourteenth year, the young
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