Book Title: Unknown Life of Jesus Christ Old Edition 1894 Publication
Author(s): Nicholas Notovitch, Virchand R Gandhi, Kumarpal Desai
Publisher: World Jain Confederation
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Many among them had alrcady abandoned the laws of their God and those of Moses, hoping to soften their fierce conquerors.
- 4In the presence of this situation Issa cxhorted his countrymen not to dispair because the day of redcmption of sins was near, and he strengthened their belief in the God of their fathers.
"Children, do not give yourselves up to dispair,“ said the Heavenly Father by tlic mouth of Issa, " for I have heard your voice and your cries have reached even unto mc."
"Do not weep, O my beloved, for your cries have touched the heart of your Heavenly Father, and He has forgiven you as He forgave your ancestors."
“Do not forsake your family to plunge yourselves into iniquity, lose not the nobility of your feelings, and worship not idols which will remain deaf to your voice."
---- "Fill my temple with your hope and your paticnce and do not abjurc the religion of your fathers, for I alone have guided them and hicaped favors on them."
"You shall raise those who have fallen, you shall give food to those that are hungry, and you shall help the sick that you may be pure and just at the day of judgment which lan preparing for you."
--10-- The Israclitcs came in throngs to licar the words of Issa, and asked him where thcy should praisc thcir Hicavenly Father, since the enemy had rased their tem
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