Book Title: Unknown Life of Jesus Christ Old Edition 1894 Publication
Author(s): Nicholas Notovitch, Virchand R Gandhi, Kumarpal Desai
Publisher: World Jain Confederation
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TUE UNKNOWN LIFE OF JESUS CIIRIST. 55 pleasure to me to show then to you." Whicrcupon thic Lama arose, saying that he was wantcal for the sacrifices and asked kindly to be excused, and saluting the visitor, disappeared through the doorway.
There was nothing left for the somewhat disappointcd traveler to do, but return to Lch and think out a plan which would furnislı an excuse for returning to the convent. Two «ays later, he sent to the chicf Lama a present consisting of an alarm-clock and a thermometer, with a message that he would probably pay a second visit to the convent before Icaving Ladak and hoped that the Lama would favor him by showing him the rolls which had been the subject of their last conversation. M. Notovitch had formed the plan of leaving for Kashmir and again returning to Himis in order to allay any suspicion which might arise regarding his persistent inquiries concerning those rolls of the life of Issa. But fato decided the matter in his favor, for in passing along the mojintain side, on the top of which stands the Gompa of Pittak, his horse stumbled, by which our traveler was thrown to the ground and his leg broken. Not desiring to return to Leh, he ordered his porters to carry him to tlic Himnis monastery, where he was received and kindly cared for.
M. Notovitch says: "In the morning I bandaged my log with small oblong sticks which I tied together with a cord. I tried to make no superfluous movements; a favorable result was soon apparent; two days afterwards I was in a condition to leave the Gonpa and to undertake a slow journey towards India to find it doctor.
" While a young boy kept twirling all the time thic prayer-wheel which was near my bed, thc vcncrablc old man who superintended llic Gonp: entertained me with interesting stories; he often drew from their cases my
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