Book Title: Unknown Life of Jesus Christ Old Edition 1894 Publication
Author(s): Nicholas Notovitch, Virchand R Gandhi, Kumarpal Desai
Publisher: World Jain Confederation

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Page 44
________________ 43 THE UNKNOWN LIFE OF JESUS CHRIST. like utlicr foreign travelers he has forined luis opinions of the people from those with whom he came in contact. I know full well how difficult it is for a foreigner to get access to the better classes of Oriental society; in very rare instances, where onc lias influence with a native of high standing, has he the opportunity to scc or know the better side, We will Icnyc polyandry and follow our traveler in his journcy. From Karghil he went to thic village of Surghol, twenty miles from the former and standing on the banks of the Wakha Near it are to be seen masses of rocks forming long broad ralls, upon which harc been thrown, in apparent disorder, flat stones of various colors and sizes, on which are engraved all sorts of prayers in Urdu, Sanskrit and Thibctan characters. Leaving Surghol with fresli liorses, M. Notovitch made the next halt at the village of Wakha. Upon an isolated rock overlooking the village, stands thic cuirvent or Moulbck. With his interpreter and the negro servant lic proceeded to this convent; they climbed the narrow steps, carved in the solid rock, on which were placed littlc prayer-wheels, which are little drumlike shapes covered round the silles with Icather and fitted vertically in niclies cut in the rock. spindle running through the center enables them to revolve at the slightest 10uch or breeze; there are usually several or tlıcse wliccly in a row, larger ones are placci separatc, all are decorated on the lcather bands with the mystic sentence-"Om mani padme hum," i. c. Om, the jewel in the lotus, amen! On the top lc was grected by a Lama, attired in the usual monk's robe of yellow, with a cap of the same matcrial, carrying in his right hand a prayer-whcel macle of copper, which he twirler from time to time with his left hand, witliout interrupting the conversa Jain Education International For Private & Personal Use Only


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