Book Title: Unknown Life of Jesus Christ Old Edition 1894 Publication
Author(s): Nicholas Notovitch, Virchand R Gandhi, Kumarpal Desai
Publisher: World Jain Confederation
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INTRODUCTIOL. art las recently published these inscriptions in his learned work "Les Inscriptions clc Piyadasi." From the thirteenth inscription, which mcntions the names of Antiochus of Syria, Ptolemy of Egypt, Antigonus of Macedoni, Magas of Cyrene, and Alexander of Epiros, it appears that these kings were contemporaries of Ashoka and that they made treaties with him, and with their permission he sent Buddhist inissionaries to preach liis religion in those countries. Ashoka's grandson sent missionaries to many foreign countries to preach Jainism and often the monks of one religion were mistaken for those of the other, by reason of a close similarity in dress and ceremonial observances. These religions were thcrcfore well-known in Egypt, Syria, Greccc and other places, long before Jesus was born. “ Buddhist missionaries," says a Christian writer, "prcaclied in Syria two centurics before the teaching of Christ (which lias so many moral points in comnion) was hcard in northern Palestine. So true is it that cvcry great historical change has had its forerunner."
It is beyond doubt, therefore, that India was commcrcially connected with the countries situated on the shores of the Mediterranean many centuries before the birth of Jesus; that India's wealth and commoditics had attracted different peoplc to her in very ancient times; that licr rcligions were openly preached and known in the very land which afterwards became thic birth-place of Jesus; that Alexander's conquest had made foreign nations more familiar with India and her people and her glory had sprcad throughout the world then known. Is it then inpossible that Jesus; having hcard of the richness of thic philosophics and sciences of India; should have gone there with a desire to study thicin? Add to this thic various passages, both in the Old and New Testaments, which bcar a close resemblance with the Bud
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