Book Title: Shantidoot Amrender Muniji Author(s): Padmini Atal Publisher: Universal Ahimsa Foundation View full book textPage 9
________________ indiaman भारत का राजदूत سفير الهند Malernt lic 5000 tens of friedmi AMBASSADOR OF INDIA सत्यमापन Foreword It was a pleasant afternoon in January 2008, when his Holiness Acharya Amrender Kumar Muni visited the Indian Embassy in Muscat. I was under the impression that the visit would be a cursory one in which we would discuss the reasons for his visit to Oman and his activities. I was, however pleasantly surprised to find that Acharya Amarender Kumar Muni had a no. of messages based on his deep knowledge of the faiths as well as ancient writings and scriptures which take a no. of years to study and understand. I am, therefore extremely pleased to know that the compilation entitled “Shantidoot --Messenger of Peace” by Acharya Amarender Kumar Muni is on being put together, thanks to the efforts of a no. of his devotees and followers as well as well-wishers from allover the world. This compilation contains a number of messages on humanity and tolerance, avoidance of sectarianism and the essential role of non-violence in our actions and behavior. A common thread in these compilations is the equality of all, the futility of trying to prove that one religion is superior to the other and treating the entire world as one large extended family. Sectarianism is divisive, while tolerance provides unity. I still remember that during his visit, Acharya Amarender Kumar Muni mentioned to me that the earth is our family and when love rises within us we begin to love all creatures as our own. It is also notable that he mentioned the animals, birds and plants can live without humanity but we cannot live without them and respect their right to live. I also remember a simple explanation of terrorism which he conveyed to me namely, that on the one hand there are those who have so much wealth that they do not know how to spend it and on the other there are those who are so poor that they do not have enough to eat. The conflict between them leads to terrorism and if there is a feeling of unity among people destructive actions will cease automatically. Jain Education International For Private & Personal Use Only amrender muni ji mahinajibrary.orgPage Navigation
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