achieved Nirvana or liberation from rebirth, the true goal of all sentient beings, in 527 B.C. He lived for 72 years. Mahavira was a senior contemporary of Budha. He was referred as "Nigrantha (Without any ties external or internal) Natputra" by the Budhas.
Mahavira's life is a story of an uncompromising severity. He is called Mahavira, all conquerors, not of the battles of the world but of the battles of inward life. He did not conquer kingdoms; but he conquered his own self by a steady process of austerity, discipline, self-purification and understanding and realized the inward dignity of his own Self.
Mahavira was more of a reformer and propagator of an existing religious order. However, Mahavi4ra did reorganise the philosophical tenets of Jainism to correspond to his times. Mahavira was a philosopher as well as a Tirthankara. He made his enquiries in order to solve the problem of life and gave a new revelation to the religion preached by his predecessors.
The preaching of Mahavira are very simple and effective. It influences every aspect of human life. Although he preached 2500 years ago, his preaching are relevant even today. It bears special significance for the spiritual advancement of mankind. He gave the message of equality of living beings and limitation of desire to achieve peace of mind and tranquillity. His message is full of optimism, self-reliance, self-discipline and self-purification to develop inherent and infinite potentialities of human self.
The teachings of Mahavira are preserved in an ancient language which normally seem outdated and of ambiguous meaning and have come down to us