Prakrit Verses in Dhanyatoka with Locana
(56) Maha maha itti bhapantau (2)
महु महु इत्ति भगतहो वच्चदि कालो जणस्स ।
तो इण देउ जणदउ गोभरीमोदि मणस्सु ॥
Note: The Nirnayasagar edition of Dhvanyaloka cites under IV. Kärikä 4 a Prakrit gatha 'Udia' etc. The text of this gātha as presented there is quite corrupt. The gatha occurs in KLV (P. 18) in GS (W). No. 954, and in Saptaáatisara (No. 41); the gatha may be restored as follows:
Jain Education International
(p. 544)
[ 'मम मम' (पक्षे, मधुमथ) इति भणतो वजति कालो जनस्य । तथापि न देवो जनार्दनो गोचरीभवति मनसः ॥ ]
Dhvanyaloka (Uddyota 1,2) nām Prakrit udāharanon pātha-carca Vidya (Vot XIII: No.2 August : 1970 ) and Dhvanyāloka (Uddyota 3,4) nam Prakrit Udāharanont pāthacareā (Vol. XIV No. 1, January: 1971)
अणुदिअहक आभोआ जह जह थणआ विणेंति कुमरीए / बालाण । तह तह लोभसो / लद्वावासो व्व वम्महो हिअअमाविसइ || [ अनुदिवसकृताभोगौ यथा यथा स्तनौ विनिर्यातौ कुमार्याः / बालानाम् । तथा तथा लब्धावकाश / लब्धावास इव मन्मथो हृदयमाविशति ॥ ]
2. In a letter dt. 21-9-1973 Dr. Bhayani wtote to me to say "your chāyā and interpretation of the cited Apa. Verse is quite all right‘Gavitthā' is a better reading ~~~. ‘Drammi is corrupt for 'drammu'. As you suggest 'pála' is probably a measure for fluid. 'Gavittha' is nominative sing form ending in 'a' as in later Hindi (Khadi Boli) and also in Marathi, etc. The Merre seems to be of the 'anta rasamă catuṛpadi class with 12 + 8 mātrās in each half. According to Hemacandra (Chandonuśāsana 6, 20, 15) this would be perhaps 'nāgakesara ' ( there is always some uncertainty because the last more is optionally taken to be metrically short or long, when it is actually short).
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