Book Title: Sambodhi 1975 Vol 04
Author(s): Dalsukh Malvania, H C Bhayani
Publisher: L D Indology Ahmedabad

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Page 13
________________ The World of Life according to the Jaina Literature i by the experts. There is mention of about 739 plants20 and over 250 animals in the ancient literature. The whole 24th chapter of the Yajurveda embodies valuable materials on Zoology. 21 A bewildering variety of birds, and about 21 kinds of snakes are described, each distinct by its own particular features of colour, structure, or habit. There is also mention of microscopic organism - bacteria, and insects of terrestrial and aquatic original and fish 23 Distinctions Between Plants and Animals. The living world may broadly be divided into two kingdoms, one of plants24 (vanaspati) and one of animals "5 (pašu) on the basis of the category 20 of Tairyagyauna (lower animals). The word Vanapphai27 (Plant) suggests trees, shrubs, flowers, grasses and vines - large and familiar objects of every day world. And the word 'pašu''8 indicates both wild 29 and domestico animals in a wider sense, such as, lion, tigers, cows, buffaloes, birds, frogs, fish, etc. In the Vedic literature also the plant kingdom has been divided into trees, herbs, sbrubs, creepers and grasses,31 The term 'Vīkşa’32 stands for trees in the Rgveda33 and the word "O şadhiḥ or Virudh denotes minor 20. Shastry, V. R., Science in the Vedas, Bulletin of National Institute of Science of India, No. 21, p. 102, 1962, 21. Asvastu paro gomygaste prājāpatyā). etc., Yajurveda, 24th chapter. 22. Shrinivas Rao, H., History of our knowledge of the Indian Fauna through the Ages, Jaurnal of Bombay National History Society, 54, 251-280, 1957. 23. Macdonell, A. A. and Keith, A B., op. cit, p. 510, 1912. See Biology in Ancient and Mediaval India, Dr. R. N. Kapilvidie The Indian Journal of History of Science, Vot. 5, No. 1. 1970, p. 126, for all these references, 24. Bhagavati, (State of existence of Vanapphai), 24.16,704. 25. Bhagavatī, 3.1.134; 11.9.417. 26. Tattvārthādhigama Sutra II. 6. Byhatsamgrahani, Sri Candrasüri, vv. 419-434, pp. 234-242. Gommalasära, (Jivakānda), 148. "Tiryancak Pancadhaikāk şādikāh Pancak sa Simakah " Lokaprakasa 4.16. 27. Bhagavati, 24.16,707; 33.1.844. 28. Bhagavati, 3.1.134; 11.9.417. 29. Ibid; 7.8.288. 30 Ibid; 5.3.325. . 31. "Yah phalināryā aphalā apuspa yā'sca puspinin," Rg, Veda, 10.97.15. "Dvā suparna sayujā sakhāyā sanānam vykşam pari pasvajāte | Tayoranyaḥ pippalam syadvattyanasnannanyo abhicākasīti 11 Rgveda 1, 164, 20 “Yasmin vyk se madhvadah suparnă nivisante suvate cădhi viśve / Tasyedahuh pippalai svācvagre lannonnasadyaḥ pitaram na veda 11,' Ibid., 1.164.22 O şadhayaḥ, Atharvaveda viii. 7. 32, Vedic Index I, p. 125. 33. "Adhvaryavo yo apo vayrivänsan vytragir jaghānasan yeva vyk şam", Rgveda. 2.14.2. “Grāvāneva tadidurtham jaret he gydhreva vrk sai nidhi-mantamaccha" Ibid., 2.39,1


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