128. Just as a needle with thread, even if fallen in the heap of straw, is not lost, so also the Jiva (person) with moral and spiritual observances, even if absorbed in the world, does not face ruin.
129. In the law of Jina
(spiritually victorious) that is knowledge by virtue of which spiritual pnciple, is cognized, mind is curbed and soul is purified.
130. In the law of Jina (spiritually victorious) that is knowledge by which the Jiva (person) becomes free from attachment, by which he is absorbed in the virtue and by which (the feeling of) amity is engendered..
131. The person who knows the self to be unbound and untarnished by Karmas (the filth attached to the soul), who knows its experience to be unparalleled and its being to be (internally) undifferentiated, who knows it to be without occupying any space, without any definition and without any middle point, (he) comprehends the entire law of Jina (the spiritually victorious).
132. Always remain devoted to always be content with it,
seeking the knowledge of self, (nay) always be satisfied with it. Then, supreme happiness will occur to you.
133. Just as some person, having obtained treasure of fame, experiences its fruit (in society), so also the wise person, having renounced the habit of getting satisfaction from 'the other', experiences the treasure of self-knowledge (in one's own self).
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[ Samaṇasuttaṁ