3. Aibala Father of Mahabbala(3), the king of Gamdhasamiddha, capital of the Gamdhara district in Avaravideha.1
1 AvaCu. I. p. 165, AvaM. pp. 157, 219.
Aibhadda (Atibhadra)
Titthayara Mahāvīra.1
1. AvaN. 649, Vis. 707, 2510, AvaCu. I. p 338.
Mother of Pabhasa(1), the eleventh Gaṇadhara of
1. Aimutta (Atimukta) Son of king Vijaya(5) and his queen Siri(2) of Polāsapura. While playing with children he sees Gaṇahara Imdabhūi, takes him to his house with curiosity and offers alms, enquires his whereabouts and then accompanied by him reaches Titthayara Mahavira whom he bows with reverence, gets impressed by his sermon, renounces the world and in due course attains emancipation. In the course of his monkhood, in one rainy season, he placed his bowl in the flowing water and enjoyed the scene as if a boat were sailing there.2 He is mentioned as an important personality to be bowed with deep respect.3
1. Ant. 15, AntA. p. 23, SutCu. p. 325.
3. Ava. p. 27
2. Aimutta Younger brother of king Kamsa(2)1. He renounced the world and became a monk. He predicted that Devai would give birth to eight sons.2 2. Ant. 6, AvaCu. I. p. 357.
1. KalpSam. p. 173.
2. Bha. 188.
3. Aimutta Fifteenth chapter of the sixth section of Amtagadadasā.1 1. Ant. 12.
4. Aimutta Tenth chapter of Aṇuttarovavaiyadasa.1 It is not extant now.
1. Sth. 755.
Airattakambalasilä (Atiraktakambalaśilā) See Rattakambalasila.1
1. Sth. 302.
Aira (Acira) Mother of Samti, the sixteenth Titthayara, and wife of Vissasena(1), the king of Gayapura.1
1. Sam. 157, 158, Tir. 479, AvaN. 398.
Aujjha (Ayodhya) Same as Aojjhā.1
1. Sth. 637, SthA. p. 479.
Aivāya (Atipāta) Fifth chapter of the twelfth section of Viyahapannatti.1 1. Bha. 437.
Jain Education International
1. Aojjha (Ayodhya) Capital of the Gamdhilavai Vijaya(23), a district in Mahāvideha.1
1. Jam. 102, Sth. 637.
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