anywhere giving up their sword owing to their embracing Jainism nor do we find them becoming careless in protection of their kingdoin or their subjects owing to the Jain influence. The real and the most beneficial effect of the Jain influence has been to soothe the unnecessary and corroding internal feuds that undermined the Indians for centuries past. It stamped down unreasonable fighting as unworthy and sanctioned fight for such objects as was the duty of a Jain king and minister. Not a word can be said against such a sound and farsighted principle. Even in the inodern tinies the Western Nations have 110t come to a better solution of the problem as to how the society can leave in peace than to resort to the basic doctrine of Jainism viz. Ahimsa. The real causes of the political downfall of India you will find in the foregoing quotation of Maliatina Gandhi. The doctrine of Ahimsa has gone a far way towards renioving many of these causes. It must be also reniembered that in the present political condition of India the doctrine of Ahiinsa is the only harbour of sure and certain safety.
It is pertinent to note here what Johannes Hertel says in his article entitled, "The Jains and the Pancha Tantra” published in the Report of the Jain Sahitya Sammelana on the influence on of Jains", "That the Jains and especially the Shwetambara of Gujrat not only in Hemchandra's