"In our humble judgment these controversial guesses ought not to form part of any Indian history. They may be interesting as the opinions of "Scholars” on Indian topics, but to put them as historical facts is extremely misleading and mischievous. In this respect we are in agreement with the late Mr. Vincent Smith that no attempt should be made to write anything about ancient India as history, for any period of time earlier than 750 B. C."
P. 686 December The Modern Review.
Please see note UK (iii) which contaius the following:
"But, as we have not a single certain date in Indian history before the time of Buddha.”
NOTE No. 33.
Please see note IIA (iii).
- Parasvanatha made four vow's binding on the members of his community : not to take life, not to lie, not to steal and not to own property. He doubtless felt that the vow of chastity and celebracy was included under the last two heads, but in the two hundred and fifty years that elapsed between his death and the coming of Mahavira, abuses became so rife that the latter was forced to add another vow-- that of chastity--to those