referring specially to the numerous columns therein writes “The internal effect of this forest of columns inay be gathered from the view (Wood cut No. 289) taken across one of its Courts, but it is impossible that any view can reproduce the endless variety of perspective and the play of light and shade which result from the disposition of the pillars and of the dome and from the mode in which the light is introduced. A wonderful effect also results from the nuniber of cells, most of them containing images of the Tirthankars, which everywhere meet the view. Besides the twelve under the larger Shikharas there are 86 cell shrines of varied form and size surrounding the interior, many of them connected by inside passages, and all their facades more or less adorned with Architecture.
"The imniense numbers of parts therein and their general smallness prevents its laying claim to inything like architectural grandeur ; but their varieties the beauty of detail-no two pillars in the whole building being exactly alike—the grace with which they are arranged, the tasteful admixture of domes of different heights with flat ceilings, and the mode in which the light is introduced combine to produce an excellent effect. Indeed, I know of no other building in India of the same class that leaves so pleasing an impression or affords so many hints for the graceful arrangements of olumns in an interior."