unjust sentence, he shall be declared unworthy to be a member of the court, and the king shall punish him for his offence.
*68. That king, however, who is intent on doing his duty, must be particularly anxious to discover what is right and what is wrong, because there is a variety of dispositions among mankind.
69. There are some who give false evidence from covetousness. There are other villainous wretches who resort to forging documentary evidence.
70. Therefore both (sorts of evidence) must be tested by the king with great care documents, according to the rules regarding writings; witnesses, according to the law of witnesses.
71. Liars may have the appearance of veracious men, and veracious men may resemble liars. There are many different characters. Therefore it is necessary to examine (everything).
*72. The firmament has the appearance of a flat surface, and the fire-fly looks like fire. Yet there is no surface to the sky, nor fire in the fire-fly.
*73. Therefore it is proper to investigate a matter, even though it should have happened before one's own eyes. One who does not deliver his opinion till he has investigated the matter will not violate justice.
68. The two following paragraphs show what is meant by 'the diversity of men's minds.' A.
72. As the sky has the appearance of a level plain like the earth, yet there is nothing like earth about it; and as there is no fire in the fire-fly, although it sparks like fire; even so the utterances of men are often untrue, though they may have the appearance of true statements. Therefore it is necessary to examine strictly even what a man professes to have seen with his own eyes. A.
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