Gandhi's Teachers: Rajchandra Ravjibhai Mehta
body through certain physical exercises); and raja yoga (training of the mind in an effort to be one with the divine). Other yogic traditions combine classical, folk. tantric, and local yogic traditions. See: Radhakrishnan, S. and C. A. Moore, A Sourcebook in Indian Philosophy. Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 1957: Rice, Edward, Eastern Definitions. Garden City, New York: Doubleday and Company, 1978; Bhaktivedanta, Bhagavad-Gita As It Is... op. cit., 1986.
14. Bhaktivedanta, Bhagavad-Gita As It Is... op. cit., 1986 (Chapter 2 presents summary of soul conception and the subject matter is further elaborated in other chapters). 15. Ishwar or the Supreme Being is also referred to as Parmatma or Super-Soul who resides in each living being (jiva) and Brahaman or Supreme Being in unmanifest form. Ishwar is also Bhagawan in universal manifest form. The literal meaning of Ishwar is controller of all. 16. Bhaktivedanta, Bhagavad-Gita As It Is... op. cit., 1986 (Chapter 7, Shloka 7).
17. Ibid, pp.7-12.
18. Ibid.
19. Encyclopedia of Religion and Ethics, Vol. VIII, p. 138; Sen, K. M, Hinduism: The World's Oldest Faith. Baltimore, Maryland: Penguin Books, 1961, p. 63.
20. It should be noted that later Buddhism and Jainism also did not accept authority of the Supreme Being.
21. Sen, Hinduism... op. cit., 1961, p. 63.
22. Ibid, pp. 63-64.
23. Ibid, p. 66; Rice, Eastern Definitions... op. cit., 1978, pp. 75, 79-80.
24. First three "Noble Truths" indicate the philosophy of Buddhism and fourth its ethics based on the philosophy. In "Noble Eightfold Path," the first two principles point to wisdom, next three to morality, and last three to inward concentration. The "Noble Eightfold Path" roughly corresponds to primitive stages in the development of classic yoga system. See: Rice, Eastern Definitions... op.
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