Life and Personality of Hemacandra it and invited the former to his palace. After the victory of Siddharāja over Malaya, Hemacandra met him again and thenceforward their friendship continued. But according to Merutunga, Siddhayāja, a patron of learning himself invited Hemacandra to his palace and requested the erudite monk to compile a new grammatical treatise. Hemacandra accompanied Siddharāja to his pilgrimage to Raivataka as well as Simhapura. Later on they visited Sāñkaligrāma, Ujjayantatīrtha, Ambaši. khara, Someśvarapattana and Kofinagara also?.
Being incited by the Sarasvatikanțhābharana, a new grammatical treatise by Bboja, Hemacandra, compiled a new grammar and felicitating his patron named it as Siddhahaimavyākarana. Later on he compiled the Nāmamālā, Anekārthasangraha and got them propagated in the reign of Siddharāja. According to Merulunga, the Dvyāśrayakávya was also written in the reign of Jayasimha but it appears that it was written in the reign of Kumārapāla because five cantos of the Sanskrit Dvyāśrayakāvya (cantos XVI-XX) and the whole of the Prakrit Dvyāśrayakāvya (Kumārapālacarita) is devoted to Kumārapāla.
MEETING WITH KUMĀRAPĀLA According to Prabhāvakācārya’, Hemacandra predicted the succession of Kumārapāla to throne in the temple of lord Śiva at Someśvarapațțaņa. Siddharaja had an aversion from Kumārapāla and conspired to get him assassinated. Kumārpāla escaped to the house of Hemacandra who concealed him in the palm-leaves and thus saved his life. Kumārapāla abscounded again and was protected by a potter called Ali or Aliga for the second time. During the observance of his Cāturmāsya, Hemacandra happened to meet Kumārapāla and predicted bis future succession. Hemacandra and his political associates helped Kumārapāla to regain the succession.
But according to Merutunga, when Kumārapāla was 1. Prabhāvakacarita, p. 196. 2. ibid. p. 194. 3. Prabaddbacintāmani, pp. 77-78
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