all sorts of spirits are thought to be lurking about. Well, this will be my chance to find out who is stronger, me or them? Anyway, who's to say that they are real?
Before the night of the black moon came, Rup was walking home from school where he had been playing football after class when he met a neighbor and walked along with him. Halfway home they passed a huge banyan tree in the cremation ground.
"Rup," the man stopped to ask, "Do you know about this tree and this place?" "No, Sir, I don't."
"Well, of all the spirits living in this area, the biggest demon lives in this tree. This creature is so frightening, it is hard to imagine! One day I saw him with my own eyes. I was coming home at night and I spotted him from the distance. Would you believe it - he was ten feet tall! From that day I got such a fright that I never walk by this tree or go near the cremation ground after dark. And you shouldn't either. Come, let's move on! It's getting late. You are with me, so I don't mind, but let's not delay any longer!"
Rup went home and tried to forget about the man's words. He tried to convince himself that it was nothing but superstition. Nevertheless, that night he had a vivid dream. In it he saw a figure exactly like the one the man had described to him. When he woke up in the morning, a doubt crept into his mind.
There must have been some truth to what he said or I would not have had this dream. Maybe certain demons do inhabit certain trees. Especially at cremation grounds. Maybe the demon knew I did not believe in him, so he came to me to convince me he is real!
But Rup was not satisfied with his reasoning. He felt how it revived the embers of fear and anxiety in his mind and body. Instead of giving in, he took his new pragmatic approach.
All right, shall I allow this monster to take over my mind? What benefit will I get? Fear in my stomach and weakness in my limbs! So tomorrow night is the black moon. I will go and see. If he is real, why should he come to me only in a dream? I will go and sit under that tree and if he meets me face to face, I am ready to fight with him.
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