Book Title: $JES 904 Compendium of Jainism (Jain Academic Bowl Manual 3rd Edition)
Author(s): JAINA Education Committee
Publisher: JAINA Education Committee
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B08 - Theory of Karma and Reincarnation
Ghäti Karmas (Destructive Karmas)
Ghäti karma subdue the quality of soul namely; infinite knowledge, infinite perception or vision, infinite happiness, and infinite power or energy Destructive to Soul's Virtues or Qualities: • Mohaniya Karma (Deluding Karma)
Jnänävaraniya Karma (Knowledge Obscuring Karma) • Darshanävaraniya Karma (Perception Obscuring Karma) • Antaraya Karma (Obstructing Karma) 1. Jnänävaraniya (Knowledge Obscuring) Karma: As the name implies, knowledge obscuring karma obscures the full potential of knowledge of the soul. Those who have less knowledge obscuring karma are more intelligent and learn more easily, while those who have more knowledge obscuring karma have problems retaining knowledge and learning. After the attainment of Vitaraga state a person destroys all his Jnänävaraniya karma within 48 minutes and attains Keval-jnän, a state of infinite knowledge. Five Subtypes of Knowledge Obscuring Karma:
• Empirical-cognition knowledge obscuring (Mati-jnänävaraniya) Karma • Articulate knowledge - Scripture knowledge obscuring (Shrut-jnanävarniya) Karma • Clairvoyance knowledge obscuring (Avadhi-jnänävaraniya) Karma • Telepathy knowledge obscuring (Manah-Paryäva-Jnänävarniya) Karma
• Omniscience knowledge obscuring (Keval-jnänävaraniya) Karma 2. Darshanävaraniya (Perception Obscuring) Karma: This karma covers the soul's faculty of perception or vision. There is not much difference between knowledge and vision. The initial cognition that grasps the object concerned in a generic form is given the name 'vision' (Darshan). It is like a cognition that a man has of an object when he sees it from a distance. And the cognition which, arising soon after the vision, grasps the very object in a specific form is given the name knowledge. Perception means to perceive the right meaning and cognition. Perception obscuring karma diminishes the powers of our correct perception through the eyes, ears, nose, tongue, and skin to the extent that we may not be able to see well, hear well, smell well, etc. Perception obscuring karma therefore reduces the real meaning of the things we see, hear, smell, feel, taste and read and how we correlate them with each other. After the attainment of Vitaraga state a person destroys all his Darshanävaraniya karma within 48 minutes and attains Keval-darshan, a state of infinite perception. Nine Subtypes of Perception Obscuring Karma: • Vision perception obscuring (Chakshu-Darshanävaraniya) Karma
Non-vision perception obscuring (Achakshu-Darshanävaraniya) Karma
Clairvoyance perception obscuring (Avadhi-Darshanävaraniya) Karma • Omniscience perception obscuring (Kevali-Darshanävaraniya) Karma
Light sleep producing (Nidrä) Karma Deep sleep producing (Nidrä Nidrä) Karma
Sound sleep producing (Prachalä) Karma • Exceedingly intense sleep producing (Prachalä-prachalä) Karma • Somnambulistic sleep producing (Styänarddhi Nidrä) Karma Compendium of Jainism - 2015
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