Book Title: $JES 904 Compendium of Jainism (Jain Academic Bowl Manual 3rd Edition)
Author(s): JAINA Education Committee
Publisher: JAINA Education Committee

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Page 274
________________ JAIN HISTORY LITERATURE and SECTS E02 Jain Scriptures and Literature E02 Jain Scriptures and Literature 01 Jain Scriptures or Agam Literature Jain scriptures are known as Jain Agam literature. Jains do not have one text as a scripture but they recognized many texts as their scripture. Different sects recognized different number of scriptures. The Ägam Sutras teach the eternal truth about conduct, equanimity, universal affection, friendship, the eternal truths on thinking, namely, the principle of relativity, and the principle of pluralisms (Anekäntaväda). It also teaches many spiritual things including great reverence for all forms of life, soul, Karma, universe, strict codes of asceticism, rules for householders, compassion, nonviolence, and nonpossessiveness. After attaining Keval-jnän at the age of 42, Bhagawan Mahavir delivered sermons to the common people in local language called Ardha-Mägadhi Präkrit for next 30 years. The essence of these sermons was compiled orally into many texts (known as Sutras) by His immediate disciples called Ganadhars. These Sutras are divided into 12 main texts known as 12 Ang Agam Sutras or 12 Anga-pravishtha Ägams or Dvädashängi (main canons). The 12th Ang Agam Sutra (text) is known as Drashtiväda. It is believed that this Ang Agam was compiled first but it was the most difficult to learn and hence monks learned this sutra at the end. This Agam consist of 14 Purvas, life of all Tirthankars, description of other creeds that existed, how to acquire special power such as walking on the water or flying in the air. All Jain sects believe that this Agam got lost (no one remember it) in earlier time from 2nd century BC to 2nd century AD. In addition to the twelve Anga-pravishtha Sutras composed by the Ganadhars, other canonical literature (Anga-bähya Ägams) composed on the basis of these 12 Angas, by Shruta-kevali Acharyas (Sthavirs or elder monks) in an easier format for the understanding are also included as part of the Jain Ägams. The Jain Ägams consist of 12 Anga Pravishtha Ägams (includes 14 Purvas) and Anga-bähya Ägams (34 for Shvetämbar Murtipujak, 21 for Shvetämbar Sthänakaväsi and Teräpanthi, and 14 for Digambar) of different traditions. Historically Ganadhars passed on the Ägam Sutras orally to their disciples who memorized and passed on to the next generations thereafter. This tradition of passing the knowledge from the memory in its total form lasted for about 160 years until Bhadrabähu Swami. After Bhadrabähu Swami the mental ability of Ächäryas gradually declined and they could not remember the entire Ägam-sutras. However as per Shvetämbar tradition, around 400 AD (800 years after Bhagawan Mahavir Nirvana) the memorized Ägam-sutras were written down. At that time no one remembered 14 Purvas and 12th AngaÄgams. The remaining 11 Anga Ägams were partially remembered. As per Digambars tradition, the written Shvetämbar Ägam-sutras contain many errors and they did not accept them as original teaching of Bhagawan Mahavir. Hence they considered that all original Ägamsutras are lost with time. For some time after Bhagawan Mahavir's Nirvana, the Jain Shramans did not pen their Ägams in book form, but preserved them by memorization. They considered that possessing books would constitute violation of the vow of nonattachment and non-possession. Then came the time, when they totally changed their attitude towards the possession of books because there was a fear of the destruction of the Jain Agams. Whatever wealth of the Ägam, which was still extant at that time, remained protected and preserved. Page 274 of 398 Consistent with Shvetämbar Murtipujak beliefs, there are three Ägam temples, which have 45 Ägams engraved either on walls or on copper plates. They are in Palitana, Surat and Shankheswar. There are several places (Jnän-mandirs) like Ahmedabad, Patan, Surat, Khambhat, Jesalmer, Pindvada, Mehsana, Ratalam, Ahor, Tharad, Guda, and Surendranagar where all Ägams are available. Compendium of Jainism - 2015


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