Book Title: $JES 904 Compendium of Jainism (Jain Academic Bowl Manual 3rd Edition)
Author(s): JAINA Education Committee
Publisher: JAINA Education Committee
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E02 - Jain Scriptures and Literature
Samaväyänga Sutra: This Agam defines and catalogues the main substances of the Jain religion from a different perspective than the Sthänänga Sutra. Vyakhya-prajnapti or Bhagavati Sutra (Viyäha-pannatti): This Agam explains the subtle knowledge of soul, matter, and other related subjects. Thirty-six thousand (36000) questions and answers are presented in discussion form. It is the largest of the eleven Anga-pravishtha Agams. Jnätä-dharma-kathänga Sutra (Näyä-dhamma-kahä-sutta): This Agam explains Jain principles through examples and stories. This text is very useful in understanding the mode of Bhagawan Mahävir's religious preaching. Upasaka-dashänga Sutra (Uväsagadasäo): This Ägam explains the code of conduct of the ten lay followers (Shrävaks) of Bhagawan Mahävir. This Agam is very useful for understanding the code and conduct of lay followers (Shrävak Dharma) in the Jain religion. Antakrit-dashänga Sutra (Antagadadasäo): This Agam tells the stories of ten significant monks attaining liberation (Moksha) by destroying their karma. Anuttaraupa-pätika-dashänga Sutra (Anuttarova-väiya-dasäo): This Ägam contains the stories of an additional ten sacred monks who attained the topmost heaven, known as Anuttara heaven. Prashna-vyäkarana Sutra (Panhä-vägaranäim): This Ägam describes the five great vows (Maha-vratas) and the five worst sins defined in the Jain religion. Vipäk Sutra (Viväga-suyam): This Agam explains the results of good and bad karma through several stories. Drashtiväda Sutra: The twelfth Anga-pravishtha Agam, Drashtivada, is considered lost by all Jain Sects. The description of Drashtiväda found in the other Jain Sutras, indicates that this Anga-pravishtha Agam was the largest of all Agam Sutras. It was classified in five parts, (1) Parikarma (2) Sutra (3) Purvagata (4) Pratham Anuyoga and (5) Chulikä. The third part, Purvagata contained 14 Purvas.
They contained the Jain religion's endless treasure trove of knowledge on every subject. 06 Anga-bähya ägams:
In addition to the twelve Anga works composed by the Ganadhars, other canonical literature (Angabähya) which was composed by Sthavirs or elder monks are also included as part of the Jain Agams. Such Sthavirs are of two types, Shruta-kevalis (one who comprehends the entire Shruta-14 Purvas) and Das-purvis (one who has acquired knowledge of the ten Purvas). Shruta-kevalis are
especially well versed in the meaning and essence of the Agams. Anga-bähya Agams of Different Sects
The Digambars have accepted 14 texts, the Shvetämbars 34 texts, and the Sthanakaväsis 21 texts as Anga-bähya Agams. Jain Sects Total Anga-bähya Agams
Number of Anga-bähya
bähya Agams Lost Agams Survived Digambar 14
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Compendium of Jainism - 2015