Book Title: $JES 904 Compendium of Jainism (Jain Academic Bowl Manual 3rd Edition)
Author(s): JAINA Education Committee
Publisher: JAINA Education Committee
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C06 - Panchächär: Five Codes of Conduct
C06 - Panchächär: Five Codes of Conduct
Nänammi Dansanammi A Charanammi Tavammi Tahay Viriyammi Ayaranam Ayaro Ea Eso Panchahä Bhanio
-- Panchächär Sutra Knowledge, faith, conduct, austerities and vigor constitute the fivefold code of conduct
01 Introduction Religion has two major aspects. One deals with principles and the other with practice. The latter constitutes the observance part of religion. Observance of Jainism can again be divided in two broad categories. One part deals with the observance of code and the other with the observance of restraints. When we talk of the Jain code, we mean the norms of observing the right conduct as laid down by the preceptors of Jainism. Right conduct, however, is only a part of the spiritual code. There are several other aspects, like true knowledge and faith, that form parts of the same code. The ultimate purpose of the right conduct is, after all, to gain liberation, which, in spiritual terms, is known as Moksha. Acharya Umäsväti stated in Tattvärtha-Sutra:
'Samyag-darshan-jnän-chäriträni Mokshamärgah' Samyag Darshan, Samyag Jnän and Samyag Charitra constitute the path of liberation. Samyag means right, correct, rational or proper. Darshan stands for conviction or faith, Jnän for knowledge, and Charitra for conduct. The combination of those three aspects leads to liberation. Since code, in Jain terminology, stands for Achär, these three aspects are termed as Darshanächär, Jnänächär and Chariträchär. They are thus the basic constituents of Jain code. Two subsidiary codes of conduct are those related to the exercise of physical, verbal, and mental abilities (Viryachär), and the ones related to austerities (Tapächär). Although Tapächär and Viryachär are parts of Chariträchär, they are categorized separately as they are very significant to Jainism. Thus, Darshanächär, Jnänächär, Chariträchär, Tapächär, and Viryächär are the fivefold Jain code and together they are known as Panchächär (Panch means five and Achär means conduct) 02 Panchächär (Five Codes of Conduct)
Jnänächär Code of Acquiring Right Knowledge Darshanächär Code of Gaining Right Faith Chariträchär Code of Acquiring Right Conduct Tapächär Code of Acquiring Right Austerities Viryächär Code of Exercising Right Vigor or Energy
Darshan means faith, but it also denotes belief, conviction, outlook, and attitude and so on. Jnän means knowledge, but it also implies enlightenment. Charitra means conduct and includes practice, behavior, etc. 1 Jnänächär (Code of Conduct Related to Right Knowledge)
Käle Vinae Bahumäne Uvahäne Tah Aninhavane Vanjan Attha Tadubhaye Atthaviho Nänmäyäro
--- Panchächär Sutra Proper timing, reverence, esteem, required austerities, gratitude and loyalty, reading carefully, grasping meaning and understanding the underlying sense constitute the eightfold code of knowledge.
Compendium of Jainism - 2015
Page 153 of 398