Book Title: $JES 904 Compendium of Jainism (Jain Academic Bowl Manual 3rd Edition)
Author(s): JAINA Education Committee
Publisher: JAINA Education Committee
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C10 - Jainism in Action
Benefits of Padmasan Padmäsan is a better meditative posture than any other Äsana. It helps tone the thighs and your lower parts become more flexible. It cures pains in the joints, especially the ankles and knees. Mind becomes relaxed; concentration increases. Tension and frustration are reduced.
Padmasan cures constipation and indigestion. Vajräsan (Thunderbolt Pose)
Steps Sit kneeling Shape toes to join at the back, heels apart. Place buttocks in cavity and keep thighs together. Adjust hands on respective thighs, keep the spine erect, keep head and neck straight, and draw abdomen in contour. Close your eyes and practice normal breathing. Mentally go through what you did the previous day (reflect) and do not stop to analyze. Time: 10 minutes Benefits of Vajräsan Corrects posture Better flexibility of ankle and feet because they are stretched. Leg and thigh muscles are enhanced and any pain associated with those body parts will be reduced. Lends to mental conditioning and emotional control Preparation for meditation Improves concentration and memory
Develops awareness and results in introspection Supta Vajräsan (Supine Thunderbolt Pose)
Steps Sit in the same position as Vajräsan. Rest hands on your thighs. Holding your toes, lower your elbows till they touch the floor. Lower your whole body to the floor. Retain this position for a minute. Come back up to the Vajräsan position. Benefits of Supta Vajräsan This Äsana acts on the feet, in the sense that the pain in the area is diminished if you stay in this pose for 10-15 minutes. The practice of this Äsana leads to the stretching of the ligaments and tendons, which will maintain their elasticity. It has an outstanding effect on blood circulation.
Compendium of Jainism - 2015
Page 191 of 398