Book Title: $JES 904 Compendium of Jainism (Jain Academic Bowl Manual 3rd Edition)
Author(s): JAINA Education Committee
Publisher: JAINA Education Committee
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C01 - Pancha Paramesthi
To be introspective To keep the heart pure
Some scriptures mention following 27 attributes of Sädhu and Sadhvi:
Five Great Vows (Mahä-vrata) Control of 5 senses Devoid of Kashaya: Anger, Ego, Deceit, Greed Guptis - Control of mind, speech and body
(1)Bhäva or Reflection (Dharma and Shukla Dhyana), (2)Karan or Activities (following prescribed activities and regulations) and (3) Yoga (body, speech and mind activities) 3 Jewels: Darshan, Jnän, and Charitra Forgiveness Samvega - Disinterest in worldly affairs and interest in liberation Conquering of Parishaha - Enduring hardships and suffering with equanimity Sanlekhana - Endurance and fearlessness towards death and associated pains, and also acceptance of voluntary death
Twenty Seven Attributes of Sädhus - Digambar Tradition
Attributes of the Digambar (sky-clad) monks vary somewhat, but they have one significant requirement that male monks must not wear any clothes. • Observation of five great vows: Mahä-vrata • Observation of five kinds of carefulness (Samitis)
Control of five senses Observation of six essentials (Six Ävashyaks - same as in Digambar Acharyas) 6 other attributes: Kesha-lochan
Plucking of own hair Asnäna
No bathing Bhumi Shayan
Sleeping on the floor Adanta-dhovan
No brushing of teeth Uttisthan-ähär Sevan Eating food in standing posture Ekabhukti
Eating only once a day
Some Jains that consider twenty-eight attributes for monks add not wearing any clothes as one more attribute. When we recite Navakär Mantra, we should remember the 108 virtues of five supreme beings and strive to attain those virtues. When someone is determined to attain those virtues, he or she will naturally commit fewer sinful activities. In addition, simply engaging in prayer will help eradicate bad karmas. This is why the sixth line of Navakär Mantra explains that offering obeisance to the five supreme beings destroys sins. Eradication of sins and purification of soul are the most important steps for the spiritual upliftment of the soul towards its journey to salvation. The last line in the
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Compendium of Jainism - 2015