of the P MS, dated V. Sam 1255 is copied in toto, this Ms. is a very recent copy of most probably from the Ādarśa of the B Ms., since all the mistakes and defeciencies committed in the B Ms. are preserved in tact here, and a few more ale added to the stock : He is careless in that he often drops the ending signs like an Anusvara or a Visarga. In one case he commits the serious mistake of dropping the text to the extent of one full folio (both pages), but in this he faithfully follows the B Ms. But the later restores it by repetition, while K does not repeat it, This shows that both B and K are copied from a common source, rather than K being copied from B. He tends to confound 'Ca' with “Va' and 'Ba', “Ya' with 'Pa', 'Ma' with “Sa', and vice versa, as also 'Ina' with Ja'. He normally prefers the Anusvāra, when normally the Pūrva-savarna is to be found in the earlier Mss., e. g. 'Damda' for
Danda', and so on. At times he misreads words, e. g. 'Dhans', 'Dhatte,' and 'Stata hbhabhiramam' for 'Stambhābirāmam';, etc.
9. The Vādi-pārsvanātha Bhandara (Second) Ms. (the Vi Ms.):
This is a Paper Ms. stored in the Vāļi Parsvanatha Bhandar in the Hemacandra Jnana Mandir, Patan. It is numbered 6834 and is written on thin polished paper. It consists of folios and is an exact copy of the V Ms., the text as well as the marginal notes. This Ms. resembles K1 Ms. noticed below in points of the quality of the paper, the handwriting and the manner of copying. Possibly, both these Mss. were copied by the same scribe under some scheme of preserving the old Mss. The date of copying is not mentioned.
10. The Vādi-pārsvanātha Bhandara (Third) Ms. (the V2 Ms.) : This paper Ms. also is stored in the same Bhandar at Patan. It is numhered 2605 and is written on modern paper. It consists of 171 folios and is again an exact copy of the V Ms., the text as well as the marginal notes. It seems that this Ms. was prepared under the scheme of preserving old Mss. under the auspices of Mini Shri Caturvijayaji, the preceptor of Muni Shri Punyavijayaji and other Jaina scholars of great repute. This Ms. was thus copied along with many others in many other Jaina Bhandars in Gujarat about nine decades back when the great scholar undertook the stupendous task of listing the Mss. in different Jaina Bhandars.
11. The Kāntivijayaji Bhandāra (Second) Ms. (the Ki Ms.) :
This one too is a paper manuscript preserved the Pravarttaka Shri Kantivijayaji Bhandara, stored in the Atmaram Jaina Jnana Mandir Vadodara. It is recent copy of the K Ms., prepared under the scheme of Caturvijayaji for preserving old Mss.
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