5. The Santisāgar Upāśray Bhandara Ms. (the Ś Ms.) : This is a Paper Ms. written in Jaina Devanagari characters, and belongs to the śāntisāgara Upāśraya Bhandar, Ahmedabad. It is numbered 490, formerly preserved in Sheth Anandji Kalyanji Library, but at present transferred to the Manuscript Section (No. 19793) of the L. D. Institute of Indology, Ahmedabad. The whole Ms. consists of 175 folios, of which folio No. 108 is repeated, through scrival oversight. Each folio measures approximately 25.8 x 11 Cms., while the written portion on each of the folios measures about 21 x 8 Cms. Each page of the folios contains 15 lines and each line has about 54 syllables. Each letter measures approximately 0.3 Cm. Page one of the first folio is left blank and has a stamp of Sheth Anandji Kalyanji Library and No. 536 in pencil. Page two of folio 175 has approximateiy two red and a half lines, and it too bears the rubber stamp of the library and the number in red pencil. There is a decorative blank measuring about 3 Cms. in the centre of each of both the pages of the folios. The written portion is marked on both sides by a pair of double lines on the left and right sides. In the left margin, at the top of page two of each of the folios the title of the work is mentioned as "Tilakamañjari' in the Devanāgarı script, with the number of the folio written just below it. In the right hand margin
the folio number is written in line with line number 14. The end of a verse as also of a sentence or of phrases in a long one are marked with red chalk upto folio 22. It is written in Padi-mātrā style. Neither the name of the scribe, nor the date of this Ms. has been recorded in it. The right top corner of the last folio No. 175 has been torn to the extent of the middle of the margin; excepting this the condition of the Ms. is very good. It secms to be later than the V Ms., but older than the U Ms. which preserves many of the peculiarities of it.
The details of the Ms. are as follows: Name
: Tilakamanjari. Owner
: Shantisuri Upashrya Bhandar, Ahmedabad. Date
: Not mentioned; but approximately the 15th century of the
Vikrama Era. Author : Dhanapāla Kavi. Material : Old paper folios. No. of Foiios : 175. Size
: 25.8 x 11 Cms. Script : Jaina Devanagari with Padi-mätrā style. Beginning : The auspicious Bhale Symbol, followed by a fare il
a: yra istati...etc. End : OTTER TAI acara fall followed by the Bhale symbol
and then the colophone vir. FAHITAEIS Pasta T qfiqoof समाप्ता ॥छ| ग्रंथानं ९००० ॥छ।।
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