Book Title: Studies in Buddhist and Jaina Monachism
Author(s): Nand Kishor Prasad
Publisher: Research Institute of Prakrit Jainology & Ahimsa Mujjaffarpur
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included 36000 nuns only'. The following of Ariştanemi, the twentysecond Tirthaikara had 40000 nuns and that of Påráva, the twenty. third Tirthaakara 380003. In spite of such a great antiquity assigned to the Jaina Order of nuns by the Angas and the Mülasūtras, it may be noted that they do not contain much details as regards the same. Normally whatever is laid down for the monks is, except with some necessary adjustments, applicable in case of nuns as well. Hence they do not deserve a special reference. What is worthy of our notice is that the Jainas, in consonance with the other contemporary sects, subordinated nuns to monks."
Mutual relation between the monks and the nuns : Like others, the Jaina Order seems to have taken a very strict attitude as regards monks relation with nuns and vice versa. Monks and nuns are not allowed to stand together even in case of rain, if the place is lonely." So also, they are not permitted to stay together in normal circustances. But the same is permissible to them in case of calamity and non-availability of proper residence.6
A monk, as a rule, was disallowed to speak with a nun or vice versa.? But a nun was allowed to go to the monks' monstery for the sake of study. Giving instructions to a single nun by a single monk in a lonely place was strictly forbidden, 8 No nun was permitted to impart instruction to a monk, old or young at night. A monk, under unavoidable circumstances, was allowed to pay a visit to the nunnery, but that too was to be done with the permission of the teacher and in a proper manner. Harassing a nun by keeping a stick, a broom or any other thing in her way was requited with appropriate punishment. 10
Mutual service between the members of their respective orders is a compulsory item of monastic life. But waiting upon an ill monk by a nun or vice versa is not permitted.?! Not only exchange of food
1. Kapp (SBE. Vol. XXII), p. 157. 2. Sand, 40, p. 66a; Ayar (SBE. Vol. XXII), p. 278. 3. Kapp (SBE. Vol. XXII), p. 168. 4. Vide Infra, Formation of the Order of nuns'. 5. Kapp (SBE. Vol. XXII), p 303. 6. Thân, 417, p. 314a. 7. Gacchacara, 62, 109. 8. Ibid, 94. 9. Ibid, 116. 10. Nis, 4.24. 11. In case of serious illness, etc. a ganadhara, ctc. could visit a nunnery.
BrhkB, Vol. IV, 3755-3801.