Book Title: Studies in Buddhist and Jaina Monachism
Author(s): Nand Kishor Prasad
Publisher: Research Institute of Prakrit Jainology & Ahimsa Mujjaffarpur
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vii, certain salts, namely, sea-salt (samudda), black-salt (kaļalona),
rock-salt (sindhava', kitchen-salt (ubbhida), red-salt (bila), etc.;! viii. sugar and sugar-water (for healthy person).
Besides the aforesaid prescriptions, this section gives not only a list of several diseases, but also their infallible remedies and cures. To supply a list of the same may be of some use here.
Remedies and cures ii. Skin diseases-itch (kandu), boils Medicine made from calcium
(pilaka), a discharge (assāva), (chunama) 3 scabs (thullakacchu) and ill
smelling of body (kayadüggandha) ii. A disease not human (amany- Raw flesh (āmakamassa) and ssikābādha)
raw blood (amakalohita) iii. Diseases of the eyes (cakkhuroga) Black collyrium (kalañjana),
rasa ointment (rasañjana), sota ointment (sotañjana), geruka ointment (geruka) and soot
ointment (kapalla) iv. Head-ache or any other disease Taking medicine through the of the head (sisabhitapa)
nose (natthukamma) and smoking
(dhumapāna) v. a. Wind disease (vataba dha) a. Decoction of oil (telapaka) b. Wind in the stomach
mixed with strong drink (udaravātābādha)
(majja)? b. Salt-sour-gruel (loņasovīra) 8
1. MV, 6, !. 4, pp. 219-220. 2. Ibid, 6. 4. 13-14, p 228. 3. Ibid, 6. 2. 5, pp. 220€. The use of cowdung (chakaņa), clay (mattikā) ard
colouring substance (rajanani ppaka) is prescribed even to healthy persons. 4. Ibid, 6. 2. 5, pp. 2.0f. 5. Ibid, 6. 2. 6, pp. 2216, Elaborate directions as regards the ointment-box
and its other accessories have been given. 6. Ibid 6. 2. 7, pp. 222f. The treatment of sisābādha, very likely the same
disease as sisābhitāpa, by giving medicine through nose (natthukamma) is thus given in the Mahāvagga: Jivakakomārabhacca, after examining the change in setthi's wife, took a handful (pasata) of ghee and boiled it up with other drugs. Then making her laid down on her back, he gave it her through her nose. Thus one dose was sufficient to restore her to
health.--Ibid, 8, 2. 5, pp. 223f. 7. Ibid, 6. 2. 8, pp. 223f. 8. Ibid, 6. 4. 14, p. 228.