Book Title: Studies in Buddhist and Jaina Monachism
Author(s): Nand Kishor Prasad
Publisher: Research Institute of Prakrit Jainology & Ahimsa Mujjaffarpur
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manussaviggaha, 231. mardava, 192. Márgaśīrsa, 172. Materialists, 61, 66. Mā tika dhara, 59, 204. Matikās, 59, 204. Matikatthakatha, 3. matisampaya, 211. matta, 113. mattika, 50, 119, 145n, 146. mattiyā, 21, 119. mātughātaka, 45, 104, 154. Maudaglyāyana, 88. māyā, 111. Megha, 78, 88. mehuna, 90, 231. Mettiya, 219, 224. Milindapañho, 3. Mithila, 83, 84, 178. Mlecchas, 22. moca, 116. Moggallāna, 75; of Ceylon, 4. moha, 93. mohāgatiṁ, 207. mokşa, 74. Monachism, 119; Buddhist, 197;
Indian, 71: Jaina. 1, 7, 85. Monastic, administration, 197,
228; administration in the Buddhist Order, 58; community as a whole, 244; discipline (Jaina), 183; life (Buddhist), 100. 19: observances in the Buddhist Order, 55, 160; origin and development of the Jaina --System, 77; rules (Jaina), 11,
of a, 14; the requisites of a, 17. Monkhood, 106; defined, 11
(Jaina). Monks, conversion of, 74. Monks and nuns, mutual relation
between, 28 (Jaina); relation
between, 46 (Buddhist). moyävaitta, 100. Mrgāvati, 88. muddhasala, 148. müdha, 95, 102. mūga, 102; -badhira, 102. mugga, 49, 116. muhapotti, 14, 15, 21, 134. mukhapuñchana-colaka, 134. müla, 18, 37, 116, 222, 223, 229,
232, 238. Mülācāra, 7. mülakamma, 111. mūlarajana, 132. Mülasikkha, 4; -abhinavalika, 4;
-ţika, 4. Mülasätras, 6, 25, 27, 28, 136, 202,
231. mülā yapatikassanā, 97, 180, 218. müla yapatikassanāraho, 162. munis, Brahmanical, 243. musavada, 89. musavāya, 90. Mutta, 100. mutta, 146. muttaharitaka, 146. mutti, 36. mūya, 148. Mysore, 245. nabhipramana, 188. nabhoga, 95. naccagitavāditavisūkadassana, 89. Nádikassapa, 99. • Nagendra, 202. nagina, 19, 130. Nalā, 177. Nalandā, 144, 177, 178.
Mongolia, 244. Monier Williams, ln. Monk (Jaina), conditions for
life, 12; daily duties of a, 14; moral life of the, 33; relation with laymen, 29; signs of a, 15: the appearance and the outfit
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