Book Title: Studies in Buddhist and Jaina Monachism
Author(s): Nand Kishor Prasad
Publisher: Research Institute of Prakrit Jainology & Ahimsa Mujjaffarpur
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Besides these, measures like Mānalta, Parivāsa, Mülāyapatikas sana, Brahmadanda, etc., were also taken against a guily n.onk.
Manatta and Pariväsa were inflicted for Sanghadisesa offences. The monk undergoing the Mānatta discipline was debarred fro usual privileges of the Sargha for six days. Manatta was also accompanied by Pariväsa when the offence was concealed knowingly and when it was not possible to ascertain the date of coinmission of the offence. The former was known as Patichannaparivāsa and the latter Suddhanta parivasa. The period of Pariväsa extended for the commission of a fresh offence during the Parivāsa period for the previous offence was called Samodhanaparivāsa. When the monk sub poena failed to observe the restrictions imposed on him for Mānatta or Parivāsa, he had to undergo the penalty prescribed for the latter offence afresh.? Brahmadanda or the penalty of social boycott had been inflicted on Channa in the first Buddhist Council.
(c) Settlement of Disputes (adhikaraņa) On certain occasions a legal issue of the Sangha becaine a topic of hot discussion and great controversy. All such controversial issues are said to have arisen because of four reasons, viz, viva da (contention), anuvāda (censure), apatti (offence), and kicca (duties and obligations of the Sangha), and are named accordingly-Vivādadhikarana, Anuvādadhikaraņa, Apăttadhikarana, and Kiccădhikaraña."
(i) Vivādādhikaraṇa includes, excepting family and friendly disputes, all such disputes arising out of contention relating to Dhamma, Vinaya, the teachings-preached, practised or promulgated by the Tathāgata, and the nature of an offence. For example, the contention arising out of Yasa's suggestion that accepting money from the laity is unlawful may be put forward here.4
This type of offence was agreed upon by Sammukhavinaya (proceeding in presence) and rebhuyyasika (verdict of the ma
(ii) Anuvadadhikaraṇa includes disputes arising out of censure as regards moral habits (sīla), good conduct (acara), right view (ditthi) and right mode of livelihood (ājīva). Disputes arising due to family and friendly censure are beyond its province. The allegation that Yasa propounded a false doctrine to the householders is an instance in point. .
1. For details vide CV chapters 2nd, 3rd; Infra, pp. 232-34. 2. CV, 11.8.10-13, pp. 412-14; DN, Vol II, Mahāparinibbānasutta. 3. Ibid, 4.8,31-43, pp. 170-177. 4. Ibid, 12 1.1, p. 416. 5. Ibid, 12.1.2, pp. 416-17.