Book Title: Studies in Buddhist and Jaina Monachism
Author(s): Nand Kishor Prasad
Publisher: Research Institute of Prakrit Jainology & Ahimsa Mujjaffarpur
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(residence) without monks, was obliged to undergo the mănatta discipline and confess her omissions and commissions committed during the retreat with reference to the Order of monks as well. Likewise a samaṇert had to seek the necessary permission from the Order of monks prior to her ordination.1
In the uposatha meetings convened by the nuns, the Patimokkha was recited by the monks on behalf of the nuns so long as they did not know its recitation.2 Later on the nuns had only to seek the necessary consultation from the Order of monks as regards the date of the ensuing oposatha fairly in advance. It is remarkable that the recitation of the Patimokkha was prohibited in an assembly of monks attended by a nun. etc.4
The Pali canon is replete with instances of false accusations and conspiracies made against a monk by a nun voluntarily or on instigation from others. The Buddhist Order took every precaution in order to check such ugly incidents that were imminent owing to the contact between a monk and a nun. As such any sort of transaction of requisites between a monk and a nun was not allowed. For instance, a monk was not allowed, if the nun was not related to him, to give to or to receive from or to get prepared a robe for her. Similarly a monk was not allowed to enjoy the food procured by the intervention of a nun" or to receive food from a nun in course of begging'.
of nuns
It is true that the position of a nun was inferior to a monk with reference to individual privileges of the Order. But the Order was in no way subordinate to the Order of monks so far as the share of requisites was concerned. This is evidenced by the law that a gift of robes, offered to both the Orders of monks and nuns. was to be distributed equally to monks and The Orders of monks and nuns were entitled to get equal share, even though the numbers of monks and nuns constituting the Order of monks and nuns respectively was as less as one.
Relation with heretics : It is remarkable that the Buddha is never mentioned to have come face to face with any one of the six heretical
1. CV, 10. 1. 2, pp. 373-17.
2. Ibid, 10. 5. 6, pp. 379-80.
3 Ibid, 10. 2 2--3, p. 375; PM (Bhikkhunī), 4: 59; Anguttaranikaya, Vol. III, p. 371.
4 MV, 2-.38.52, pp 141f.
5. Itid, 8. 10. 10--37, pp 299--314.
6. PM, 5. 29.
7. PM, 6.1.
8. MV, 8. 30. 54, pp. 324-25.