Book Title: Studies in Buddhist and Jaina Monachism
Author(s): Nand Kishor Prasad
Publisher: Research Institute of Prakrit Jainology & Ahimsa Mujjaffarpur
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robes, an under-garment and an upper-garment. It is peculiar to the Jaina Order that the number of robes to be used by a monk was sometimes determined by age, while at other by seasons. Thus the younger monks used only one robe while the older ones two or more. In brief the monks were expected to use the least number of clothes as it was in consonance with their theory of aparigraha.
It may be noted that no laxity was granted to the nuns belonging to the Buddhist Order as "the ordinary dress of the Bhikkhunis or Sisters consisted of the same three garments as that of the Bhikkhus.”5 The Jaina Church, on the contrary, seems a bit less strict as it allowed four garments to the nuns.
Besides the aforesaid set of three garments, the Buddhist Order also granted a rain-robe (vassikasātaka),' a cloth to wipe out the face (mukhapuñchana-colaka), and itch-cloth (kandupațicchädim) and pieces of cloth-requisite (parikkhāra-colaka)lo to the twofold Sarigha in general and a bathing-robe (udakasātika)" to the Sisterhood in particular. Some of these clothes such as a set of three robes, the cloth to wipe out the face and pieces of cloth-requisite were to be exclusively possessed by an individual for ever whereas rain-robe and itch-cloth, etc. were to be assigned to others as soon as one's purpose had been accomplished. :?
Likewise the Jaina Order of monks and nuns was also prescribed some small pieces of cloth, such as, colapatta (girdle), muhapotti (mouthcovering-cloth), celacili miliya (a covering for the clothes or a curtain) and padala (a covering for the alms-bowl), etc. in order to meet their various requirements. The nuns, in addition to these could use eleven clothes more, six, namely, uggahanantaga, patta, add horuga,"
1. Op. cit., 23. 29. 2. Ayar (SBE. Vol. XXII), 1. 7. 4. 1 (pp. 67-8); Bhag, 333, p 374b. 3. The monks were to give up used-up robes and had to put on either one robe
or no robe at all, after the winter was over.--Ibid, 1. 7.6. 1 (p. 71). 4. Ayar (SBE. Vol. XXII), 1. 7. 4. 1 (67-68); 1. 7. 5. 1 (p. 69); 1. 7. 6. 2 (p. 71);
Bhag, 333, p. 374b. 5. Vinaya Texts (SBE. Vol. XVII), p. 213 fn. 6. Ay ay (S BE. Vol. XXII), 2. 5. 1. 1 (p. 157); Brhk, 3. 16; Thân, 246, P. 186b. 7. MV, 8. 17. 27, p. 310. 8. Ibid, 8. 18.30, pp. 311-12. 9. Ibid, 8. 18. 29, P, 311. 10. Ibid, 8. 18. 32, p. 312. i]. Ibid, 8. 17. 27, p. 310. 12. MV, 8. 19. 33, p. 312. 13. Bhāsya to OghN, 315.