Book Title: Studies in Buddhist and Jaina Monachism
Author(s): Nand Kishor Prasad
Publisher: Research Institute of Prakrit Jainology & Ahimsa Mujjaffarpur
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In spite of the fact that keeping extra bowl was normally prohi bited, the Buddhists were allowed to hoid an extra bowl for not more than a period of ten days, whereas the Jainas could do so only with the permission of the owner or in case of some deficiency". Besides, both to replace an old bowl by a new one, if it was broken in less than five places and to hide or to cause any one to hide other's bowl" were taken as faults. Normally no exchange or transaction concerning pot was sanctioned to a Jaina monk. But they could give it to a novice, male or female or to an old monk or nun, unable to procure it himself or herself.
The Buddhists as well as the Jainas were often warned to use their begging-bowls cautiously. The former was forbidden to keep their bowls with water in them; or to dry them in the sunshine with water in them; or to put away in a warm place or at the edge of the sleeping-benches or paribhanda; or to leave them in the open air; or turning upside down on the ground; or to hang up on pins in the walls; or to put down on bed, chair, in their laps or on the sunshed (chatta); or to open the doors with bowls in their hands, 10 so that their bowls might not be spoiled in any way. Likewise the latter was prohibited to expand the mouth of the pot (?), or to have more than three tundiyas, or to bind it improperly, or to give it only one or more than three ties (bandha), or to use a pot with many ties for more than a period of one and half months;11 or to use unfit ones or unstable ones, or to discolour the coloured pot or vice versa, or to polish it with oil, ghee, butter, fat, powder or paint, or to wash it with hot or cold water, or to dry it at a place full of living beings12.
The monks were also allowed some accessories of pot for its protection and preservation. A bag for the pot (pattathavika), a piece of string to bind the bag for the pot (bandhanasuttaka)13 and a stand for
1. PM, 4. 21.
2. Vav, 8. 15.
3. Nis, 14. 6.
4. PM, 4. 22.
5. Ibid, 5. 60
6. Nis, 14. 1-4; 14. 5-7; 16. 25-29.
7. Ibid, 1. 39.
8. Ibid, 14. 7.
9. CV, 5. 5. 12, p. 202-203.
10. Ibid, 5. 5. 13, p. 203.
11. Nis, 1. 41-45.
12. Ibid, 14. 8-45. 13. CV, 5. 5. 12, p. 203.