Book Title: Studies in Buddhist and Jaina Monachism
Author(s): Nand Kishor Prasad
Publisher: Research Institute of Prakrit Jainology & Ahimsa Mujjaffarpur
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ii. Twelve tapas : The twelve types of austerities are grouped under two headings called external (bahira) and internal (abhintara) austerities. 1 The external austerities six in number are as follows: Anasana, that is complete abstinence from all kinds of food for a period fixed by the individual concerned is either taken temporarily (itvara) or till one's death (samlekhana) The temporary fasting varied from fasts upto the fourth meal cautiha, i e. one day's fast to fast for six months.” (1)
Onoyariya, the vow of eating less than one's fill consists in abjuring all sorts of spicy food and also taking food more than thirtytwo morsels each of the size of the hen's egg."(2)
Bhikkhāyuriya is the vow of begging food with some self-imposed restrictions and limitations as regards the mode of begging, the nature of donor and food or the like 5 (3)
Rasapariccāga is the practice of abstaining from dainty food like meat, butter, honey and alcohol (the so-called 'great vikytis") completely and milk, curds, ghee, oil, molasses and certain fried things optionally. )
Kazakilesa or mortification of the body consists in standing, sitting or lying for a certain period in one or the other of the various bodily postures." (5)
Samlinayā is to retreat one's senses from all sorts of impure temptations by living in a place devoid of woman, eunuchs or animals of the opposite sex. (6)
The six internal austerities are as below :
Pāyaccital', that is atonement for tran:gressions was tenfold, namely, aloyana, palikkamaņa, tadubhaya, vivega, viusagga, tava, cheya, mūla, argvatthappă and părañciya. (1)
Vinaya, that is appropriate behaviour with reference to study, fellow-monks and one's guru, etc. (2)
1. Uttar, 28. 34; 30,7; Aup, 18. 2. Ibid, 30. 8; Thān, 511, p. 364b; Aup, 19. 3. Ibid, 30. 9-13; Suyg (SBE. Vol. XLV), p. 379. 4. Ibid, 30.11-24. 5. Ibid, 30.25. 6. Ibid, 30.26. 7. Ibid, 30.27; Thân, 554, p. 397b; Suyg (SBE, Vol. XLV), pp. 251.397; Dasu,
3.12. 8. Ibid, 30 28. 9. Ibid, 30.30-36, Thān, 511, p. 364b, Aup, 20, 10. Vide Infra, Chap. IV. Sec.IlI. .