Spiritual Enlightenment
they exist in the universe, is Samyak Darshan (right belief).
16. The Darvyas (substances) which exist in the three worlds are six; they have no beginning or end, that is, they were neither created nor can they be annihilated; the Sages have said so.
17. Chidananda (knower and happy), Aik-Svabhava (pure by nature, having no adulteration of duality) Jiva Dravya (soul) is Chaitanya (possessing consciousness or intelligence); and the remaining five Dravyas, that is, Pudgala (matter), Dharma (the element which helps souls and matter in motion), Adharma (the element which assists in the cessation of movement), Akash (space), and Kala (time) are Achaitanya (devoid of consciousness or intelligence) —these six Dravyas, possessing their own Lakshanas(distinguishing attributes), are existing in the same place.
18. The Jiva or Atman (soul) is Amoortik being devoid of Rasa (taste), Sparsh (tangibility), Gandh (smell), and Varna (colour); he is Jnana-maee being possessed of Jnana (knowledge) which can in one moment illuminate (know) the whole universe; he is Paramanand, being Vitaraga (free from love and hatred) and devoid of desires, passions and affections; he is also Avinashi (imperishable) and Niranjana (pure).
19. Pudgala(matter) is of six kinds and is Moortik (knowable through the senses); the other five Dravyas are Amoortik (not Moortik); the Dharma Dravya helps in movement, while the Adharma Dravya assists souls and Pudgala in the cessation of motion. The Sarvajna Deva (All-knowing God) has said so.
20. That Darvya in which all other Darvyasexist and which gives room to them all is Akash; Shri Jinendra Deva has said so.
21. Know that to be the Kala Dravya of which the Lakshana (distinguishing attribute) is Vartan (to bring about or carry on change), that is, it is a secondary cause to the Pranaman (changes) of all the objects; Anus(particles) of Kala are existing separately; as in a heap of jewels all the jewels remain separate,