________________ [ Hafarahis parents was Vardhamana, as causing increase of riches, peace and prosperity, but Indra or Shakrathe chief of the gods-gave him also the appellation of Mohavira as significant of his power and supremacy over gods and men. For nearly thirty years Mahavira seems to have lived in the bosom of his family. According to the Shvetambara tra lition he was prevailed upon by his parents to marry Yashoda, daughter of the prince Samaravira. By her he had a daughter, Anojja or Priyadarshana, who was married to a noble of the name of Jamali-one of the Saint's pupils and founder of a new sect-and who in her turn bad a daughter called Sheshavati or Yashovati Mahavira's parents and with them probably their whole clan of Naya Kshatriyas, were followers of the tenets of Parshvanatha-the twenty-third Tirthan. kara-who is said to have preceded Mahavira by 250 years. They died when Mahavira was twenty-eight years old, and the government of the country naturally devolved on his elder brother Nandivardhana, Mahavira now felt free to become an ascetic. After two years of abstinence and self-denial at home, he resolved to fulfil his vow-the vow that he had taken, long lives before, to renounce all, to reach illumination, and to become a saviour of the world. He took the permission of his brother and the royal councillors, gave away his wealth in charity, and then, surrounded by crowds of